September 24, 2011

Free Captioned Educational Videos for Children

I compiled a short list of websites offering free captioned educational videos made for children.

  • BrainPop offers animated educational videos. All of them seem to have the option of closed captions. To have access to all of the videos, you will need to subscribe. But, they have several free videos.You can find them here, and they should all have the option of closed-captions.

  • PBS KIDS includes free animated and non-animated videos. However, not all videos have closed-captions. Click on the CC button to see if video you selected has closed-captions.

  • Described and Captioned Media Program has a giant media library of captioned educational videos that continues to grow. From the site: The DCMP media library has over 4,000 free-loan described and   captioned media titles available to registered Level 2 members, and our members can watch media online or order a DVD copy to be shipped to them.From astronomy to zoology, you’re sure to find it here! Remember, you can always recommend media to the DCMP.
Here's one of my favorite videos from DCMP:

  • has loads of captioned videos for free. If you want something for kids, type in the search box whatever it is you are interested in seeing. I typed in 'Elmo' and was pleasantly surprised to see several videos available that are captioned! However, be careful, some of the videos are not kid friendly.

Sadly, this was all I could find online, in terms of free fun educational videos that are captioned. If you know of other websites that offer free captioned videos for kids, let me know, and I'll add them here.



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