September 6, 2011

Always Best to Remain Calm and Professional When Trying to Solve a Problem

**UPDATE: Issue has been resolved.**

The other day, I spoke with my dad about the issues with censored closed-captions on some television shows. He gave tips on how I can best handle this problem when filing a complaint. Here are some of them:

It is important to be clear about the solution you want to the problem. For example, I want the closed-captions to caption exactly as it is spoken. I want to read exactly what can be heard.

You should let them know that you want a FULL resolution to the problem, you will not settle for a partial solution.

Find out who is responsible for fixing this problem; who you can complain to, and how you can contact the individual. You need names and their contact information. In addition, be clear that you want to maintain contact.

There were many other good tips he provided, but the one thing he kept telling me is to never raise my voice or exhibit any signs of anger or emotion. I have to do my best to remain professional and courteous. 

I think the most important tip is to remain professional and not get angry. You will lose the minute you raise your voice and become emotional.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this wonderful post.Admiring time and effort you put into your blog and detailed information you provide.


Keep it civil.