August 17, 2011

Don't Forget to Say "Thank You"

No one likes to be criticized or told that they are doing a terrible job. It is a no brainer that people respond better to positive feedback or when they are told "thank you".

I have been thinking about how I have complained or criticized certain companies for not providing a good service or product, especially when it comes to providing services for the deaf and hard of hearing population. However, when they actually did listen to my concerns and tried to help me, I always remember to thank them. I think this is so important. The more positive feedback and "thank yous" companies get about the services they provide to the deaf and hard of hearing population, the more likely they will use them again or be encouraged to find other ways they can serve them.

Think about the times you have received a thank you letter or had someone tell you "thank you" (not the perfunctory ones). Think about how it made you feel.

A long time ago, I received a hand written "Thank You" note from a parent. I was impressed. I could not believe that they took the time to write me a hand written thank you note. It made me realized how much I helped them by giving them unbiased information about language acquisition and using sign language with their infant. Because of this, I was encouraged to work harder in supporting this family and their child.

When I was criticized repeatedly and not provided any positive feedback or suggestions, I became discouraged and wanted to stop.

If there is a company or person who were able to help you in some way, don't forget to thank them!



  1. Don't forget the TDD Relay Operators as well. I always start with, "Hello. Wld u pls dial ***-***-****? Thank you. GA" and end with, "Tnx. Have a gr8 day/night/week/weekend :-)" (whichever applies) GA 2 SK Almost always it seems to be appreciated as they respond in kind.

  2. This is something I've been thinking about lately. I'm quick to complain about lousy services, but how often to I show appreciation for really good service? Great thoughts, thanks for the reminder!

  3. Thank you for taking the time to write to my hearing impaired daughter about handling job interviews.

    BTW, she called today - her order is putting the cost of 2 aids into her budget - she'll be getting them on Tuesday! She's so excited!

    I'm getting the second aid, should come in about 7-10 days. REALLY needed, as the kids seem to be mumbling this year.

  4. Aaw, no problem, Linda! Glad to help. :) That is so exciting that you both will be getting new hearing aids!

    Thank you for saying "thank you" and letting me know how you and your daughter have been .

    Wish you both the best of luck!


Keep it civil.