July 30, 2011

Filed a Complaint With FCC

**UPDATE: Issue has been resolved.**

I went to the FCC website and filed a formal complaint with them here: http://www.fcc.gov/complaints.

I would like to file a complaint about the closed captioning for the AMC network program 'Breaking Bad'. The closed-captions are heavily censored, even though they are not censored when spoken. Example: Caption read "h---", while the character clearly said "hell" out loud.

It is not fair to only censor captioned words that can be clearly heard by others who can hear. I have a problem with this, because it intentionally excludes deaf and hard of hearing people.

I am hard of hearing and I rely on captioning when watching television shows and movies. I like to know what is being said and have full access to the language being used on these shows, like everyone else.

Thank you,



  1. Who cares about hearing children, We must not ruin the poor innocent deaf parents' mind!


  2. I also just filed and after filling out the form I was given a FAX cover. I was going to FAX them my letter, but the free faxes on line are no long er doing long distance from your area. While I have a FAX, it's not plugged in and I can't from a wheelchair. I'll figure something out.

  3. Anonymous @9:35 a.m., Exactly!!!

    Scott, great. I encourage others to do the same!

  4. Just found out my TDD hand-phone jack is available so I will buy a cheap LONG phone cord for my printer/fax jack as soon as I can and send it. I hope I can figure this out


Keep it civil.