August 10, 2010

No Captions and Super Loud = Horrible Movie Experience

Small Dancing Snack People SignsSaw a movie at the theater a few nights ago. It seemed like a great movie. Full of action, beautiful photography, and bizarre scenes. But, because it was not captioned, I had a hard time following what was being said. Visually, it was appealing, story wise, I hardly have an idea. So I can say that it seemed like a great movie.

Usually, with most uncaptioned movies, I can figure out what is going on. But, this movie had a very complex story and different exciting events occurred all over the place. You had to follow the dialogue to fully understand what was happening. I had an especially hard time understanding what was happening and why. The background or environmental noises were much louder than the dialogue.

Man, it was LOUD!! I think the theater installed a cheap sound system and is compensating for it by blasting the volume. I felt the vibrations in my profoundly deaf left ear and heard and felt the loud sounds in my right ear. It physically hurt. Occasionally, it felt as if someone punched me in my ears. At times, I took off my hearing aid and I turned it on t-coil mode to block out the especially loud parts of the movie. My sister and boyfriend both suffered as well from the occasional loud booms, crashes, and screams. They experienced ringing in their ears afterward. My sister said that her ears felt sore. Yikes.

I gave up on trying to figure out what was going on in the movie after twenty minutes and took a nap. Ugh. I should have left and asked for my money back.

I will definitely contact the movie theater and let them know that they may be contributing to increasing the number of hard of hearing and late-deafened.



  1. Word of advice when you contact the movie theture go there! THEY WONT CARE... I have done this and I actually Sued a movie theature because there lack of communication they told me all of the headphones worked and it didnt non of them did how i KNEW was my friend who was hearing was with me. GO TO THE THETURE COMPLAIN!!!!!!! If it said on that it was supposed to be captioned and it wasnt for some odd reason( not working) thats all a bunch of bull. I know its an awful experience... someday this is gonna have to get better. Its not only happening to you its happening everywhere!

  2. The best thing to do is walk out immediately and contact the manager if i were you i would go today and bring whoever with you that night also... to let them tell them there side!

  3. The movie was not supposed to be captioned. At the time, there were no theaters nearby captioning this particular movie. The caption part is not their fault.

    I am more concerned about the sound being too loud. I did go to the theater and spoke with someone there, just to let them know that it was way too loud. But, like you said, probably nothing will be done about it. But, at least I said something.


  4. I honestly don't know why I did not say anything while I was at the movie theater. It is weird how we complain about something but often don't do anything about it right then and there. I did not really start to think about it until we left the theater.



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