June 26, 2010

McDonald's Commercial Using Sign Language

I like this commercial by McDonald's. It is simple; just kids signing to each other using what may be Mexican Sign Language. Does anyone know what they are using? It does not look like ASL.



  1. There is a negative here, burgers are responsible along with other fast foods for poor health,and obesity, America especially is riddled with fatties, and the UK not far behind, I'd rather see sign used to plug healthier foods. Let's see an ad condemning MacDonald's in sign... They aren't putting sign there as access, they are trying to get more customer empathy. I see it as abuse of access.

  2. No, people are responsible for their own poor health. Yes, McDonald's are out to make money and to reach out to and appeal to everyone. They are a business, of course they want to try to grab more customers. I like McDonald's fries.

    I thought this commercial was interesting because it was not spotlighting ASL, but another type of signed language, possibly Mexican Sign Language.

    The only criticism I have is that they use the line "Universal Language." It reminds me of how so many people think sign language is universal. It is not. It is different everywhere, like any other language.


  3. I love McDonald's fries too and I have to agree, people DO make their own choice on what they eat, it is not the fast food company's fault, they are just simply making money, but could use less calories in food though. Maybe it's International Sign Language?

  4. MM - "They aren't putting sign there as access, they are trying to get more customer empathy. I see it as abuse of access."

    If it's not there for access, how can it be an abuse of access?

  5. Choice Lol best I've heard today.... I'm of the view we should NOT be offering that choice, at best ban a lot of the transient fats and salts these foods contain, Joe public is too silly to make choices someone more responsible has to do it... sorry !

    MacDonald's fries have a HUGE salt content... their meat consumption is decimating the eco-balance of the planet in S America...almost twice the allotted salt intake for health in one sitting of fries, No not fast food outlet fault, silly and irresponsible fatties killing themselves putting a drain on everyone else. Ask the American Health people how much MacDonalds costs their health services.... there is too much food at a sitting and apparently no regulation on salt, fat or sugar content...

    Surely joe public is by definition NOT responsible enough to make a choice. I'd want MacDonalds banned here and a number of other dubious outlets...

  6. MM - "They aren't putting sign there as access, they are trying to get more customer empathy. I see it as abuse of access."

    If it's not there for access, how can it be an abuse of access?>>>>>>>>

    oh my.. this is like saying, let's take those wheelchair ramps away, McD is a abuse of access.. I'm sorry but these are grown people who have rights. And McD have rights to market to these people just like they have been marketing to hearing, walking people. Just because people can't hear or walk on stairs like the majority doesn't mean majority can control their life because they see them as "handicapped" They are very capable of handling maketing just like everyone else.

  7. It's about ethical application of access and language, it makes it look as if most deaf signers accept what McD stands for, a lot do not. Frankly providing any signed access to unethical foods would NOT persuade me to buy, however younger deaf can be influenced. It's not about 'control' it's about caring if your deaf kids never reach old age. I realise free choice is a big thing, but none of us really have it. You wouldn't feed your child poison would you, because that is free choice ?

  8. It doesn't make it look "as if most deaf signers accept what McD stands for" - it is what it is: some kids (Deaf we assume, could be hearing) are shown talking in sign language and another kid brings McDonald's food to them. So Deaf kids eat McDonalds too; are you saying that they shouldn't eat it because it's unethical and they are Deaf? They shouldn't talk about it either because their language isn't a spoken or written one?

    You have confused a number of issues (as always - see your own blog for plenty more). There is no 'ethical application of access and language' - The ideal would be that all foods are talked of in sign language - then we'll have more equal societies. Saying that Deaf (or sign language using) kids shouldn't be filmed for an advert because of one food type but it would be ok for another food type only exacerbates problems with inequality and lack of access.

  9. It's about deaf adopting an ethical stance to access, yes they should support signing access to healthier areas and not support access the others. Access regardless ? no, don't go with it. I'm sure there are many Americans and Brits, who would not be happy with sign being used to indoctrinate deaf people into Al Queda, of course there are areas we shouldn't support, one area of access I would be perfectly happy to have no access to.

  10. Some Al Queda do know sign languages. So what? It is just a language. Same with ramps.. it is just a ramp. Stair is just a stair.

    Also, if hearing people are suckers for thinking "awww, McD care about deaf people" then that's what they get for thinking Sign language is a "handicapped" tool for the deaf instead of a language.

  11. You know what's sad is that there have been such inequality to Sign Language which have been limited to "healthy and educating" video/marketing/etc. that when some see sign language in the mainstreamed marketing, they get excited about it. Just like e) posted McD on her blog because it is so rare. So yes, people will go to McD. I'm going and order a Salad.

  12. there's one more thing I wanted to mention. When closed captioning came out, it constantly put down [censored] or [bleep] on foul languages even though those words were not censored for hearing people. I'm an grown mother who have a HEARING child. I WANT to access those language. I do not want anyone filtering it because it is just bad for deaf people. They don't do that as much, although they do shortened the sentences and I'm sure they skipped the foul languages in result of that. If McD is in closed captioning, is that any more an unethical access to you as sign language?

  13. I only added this commercial because as someone commented earlier, it is rare to see sign language, especially sign language other than ASL, being featured in a commercial. So it is something that most people would get excited about. There is nothing wrong with that.

    MMMM, now I am going to go get some McDonald's fries.

    I'm lovin' it!


  14. This is a somewhat unrelated question, but it's the only forum I came across discussing this commercial. Does anyone know the title/artist of the Spanish song playing in the background?

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